I'm glad to see you today for a new article, it is a little bit different than usual because this is exclusively about inspirational quotes.
This is a collection of some inspirational quotes that vibrate a lot in me right now.
I invite you to read those amazing inspirational quotes about different things in life like love happiness and a lot more.
Inspirational quotes about Love:
" Darkness can not drive out darkness , only light can do that . Hate can not drive out hate , only love can. " Martin Luther King
" The longest road
that you must take in your life is the sacred way from your head to your
heart . " Author Unknown
"The greatest
explorer on this earth does not travel as long as that sinks to the
bottom of his heart . " Julien Green
"If you judge people , you have no time to love them . " Mother Teresa
" A smile costs less than electricity, but gives much light . " Abbé Pierre
Inspirational quotes about Happiness:
" It's time to be happy. This is the place to be happy. And to be happy, make others happy. " Robert Ingersoll
"The blessing always comes back to the door of the author. " Abraham Lincoln
"Happiness is inside us, not outside . It does not depend on what we have but what we are. " Henry Van Dyke
Inspirational quotes about Compassion:
" Before you judge someone , walk for three moons in his moccasins . " Indian Proverb
"Treat people as if
they were what they could be and you help them to become what they are
capable of being. " Goethe
"At the bottom of the well , sometimes you noticing the stars. " Greek Proverb
Inspirational quotes about Sharing:
" The sweetest happiness is one that we share . " Jacques Delille
"If you have many
riches , give your good , if you have little, give of your heart . " Berber proverb
"Who gives should never remember that receives should never forget . " Hebrew Proverb
Inspirational quotes about Work - Mission - Dreams:
"You are here to enable the divine mission of the universe to unfold. That's how important you are ! " Eckhart Tolle
" What people say you can not do , you try and find that you can. " Henry David Thoreau
"Choose a job you love and you do not have to work a day in your life. " Confucius
" Our dreams make us grow . Some
let their dreams die , but others nourish and protect the convent
during the bad days until the sun and light come back, and they always
come back . " Woodrow Wilson
" You were born with potential . You were born to kindness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born to do great things . You were born with wings. You're not meant for crawling , so do not do it. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly ! " Rumi , poet of the thirteenth century
Inspirational quotes about Achievement:
" Take the first step in faith. You do not have to see the whole staircase , just the first step. " Martin Luther King
"People who succeed
are those who know how to mobilize all their physical and mental
resources on a goal. " Anthony Robbins
"There are people who say they can , others they can not . In general, they are all right . " Henry Ford
Inspirational quotes about Patience:
" Patience is the key to well -being. " Mahomet
"I call wise man
who, while he is innocent , endures insults and blows with a patience
equal to its strength. " Buddha
Inspirational quotes about Questioning - Liability:
" Archer is a model for the wise . When he missed the middle of the target , it investigates the cause itself . " Confucius
"What we create is always reflected in itself outside itself. It is the law of the universe. " Shakti Gawan
"We always have a choice. There is even the sum of its choice. " Joseph O'Connor
"Life is like a mirror. If you smile at her , she will return your picture. " Louis Nucera
"If you do what you 've always done, you will get what you always got . It is in your moments of decision that you shape your destiny. " Anthony Robbins
Inspirational quotes about Health:
"I do not understand men. They spend their lives to use their health to make money and then they spend their money to restore their health. " Dalai Lama
Inspirational quotes about Bounce:
"The glory is not in never falling , but in rising every time we fall . " Chinese Proverb
" A period of failure is a perfect time to sow the seeds of success . " Paramahansa Yogananda
Inspirational quotes about Listening:
" Those who speak at least hear most . " Chinese Proverb
" Nature gave us one
tongue and two ears so that we listen twice as much as we say. " Zeno
Inspirational quotes about Contentment - Acceptance:
"Rather than
thinking about what you do not , think about what you can do with what
you have . " Ernest Hemingway
"I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet. " Saying Persian
"There is a curious
paradox : when I accept myself as I am , then I can change . " Carl Rogers
Inspirational quotes about Forgiveness:
"Non -violence is
infinitely superior to violence , forgiveness is more manly than
punishment. Forgiveness is the ornament. " Gandhi
" Give a glass of
water in exchange for a glass of water is nothing, true greatness is to
return good for evil. " Gandhi
"Those who insult
you insult the idea he has of you , that is to say himself. " Villiers de l' Isle- Adam
Inspirational quotes about Religions - Unit:
"Religions are like different roads converging to the same point. Whatever we may borrow different routes , provided we arrive at the same goal . " Gandhi
"You can call God by
any name you like, but the truth is always the same . " Swami Ramdas
Inspirational quotes about Knowledge:
" It is important to remember that we are energy . Einstein taught us . And Energy can not be created or destroyed , it simply changes form . The secret is to achieve influence this energy. " Rondha Byrne
Inspirational quotes about Perfection:
"I 'm not perfect , you're not perfect , and it is perfect. " Virginia Satir
Inspirational quotes about Accepting the past:
"When you can not go
back , we should be concerned with how best to move forward . " Paulo Coelho
"Every warrior of light has doubted that one day a warrior of Light. " Paolo Cohelo
Inspirational quotes about Present Moment:
"Yesterday is
behind, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that's why they call
it the present. " Master Oogway ( Kung Fu Panda)
"I have better
things to do than worry about the future : I have to prepare . " Félix- Antoine Savard
"Today begins the rest of your life . " Dale Carnegie
Inspirational quotes about Changing the World:
" You must be the change you wish to see in the world . " Gandhi
You just finished reading different inspirational quotes, i'm wondering how you feel right now?
Can you tell? So leave a comment about your feelings, and share for others to know.
What do you think about the following solutions?
Abraham Lincoln,
Anthony Robbins,
inspiration quotes,
Martin Luther King,
Master Oogway,
Mother Teresa,
More than 40 Inspirational Quotes will change your life
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